
Stem Cells win baldness

Stem Cells win baldness

Over the past few years, scientists have shown that stem cells can cure almost any kind of "incurable" disease, from myocardial infarction, and ending with Parkinson's disease.But it appears that stem cells can not only treat, but also return youth and beauty.For example, American researchers have found that using stem cells can ...stimulate hair growth and, thus, prevent baldness.Experiments on mice conducted at the University of Pennsylvania, showed that stem cells are introduced into the skin, stimulate the formation of new hair follicles.If these cells were injected animals with normal hair, then the injection caused simply increased growth of hair.If they were introduced into the animal with artificial removal of hair (and scientists not only to remove their own wool, but also destroying the hair follicles, "mimicking the" man's bald head), then at the injection beginning to form new hair germs."Our experiments are preliminary in nature, - said in an interview with" Associated Press "Dr.George Konsarelis, leader of the study.- We can not guarantee that an individual stem cells will have the same effect on the scalp, as in animals.However, in if our research will give a positive result, the problem of hair loss really is resolved." It is worth noting that on the way to the scientists proposed "perfect" method of treating hair loss is one major obstacle.The fact is that for such procedures require a substantial amount of stem cells, which are now the only source is human embryos.And if bioethics blind eye to the use of embryonic cells to treat incurable diseases in other ways, then they are unlikely to allow their use for cosmetic purposes
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