
I'm 3 months old!

I'm 3 months old! Caley is 3 months old today!She's doing pretty well at home, and Mommy and Daddy are learning...slowly.We had our first pediatrician appointment on Monday, and she was up to 4 pounds, 13 ounces -- almost 6 ounces more than when she left the NICU last Thursday!She's 16.5 inches long and her head circumference is 12.5 inches.Still less than the 5th percentile (even for her adjusted age), but light-years ahead of where she started!

We have been introducing Caley to new toys, bouncy seats, and swings in the last week.Her current favorite item is the playmat she received from the Garcias.She likes to lay on it and talk to all of the toys hanging down from the toy bars.Video to come soon!

As for us, we're working on getting back into a more normal schedule (or a "new normal" -- life with a newborn), now that our days don't revolve around trips to the hospital.We hope we can start to get caught up on conversations with all of you, as well as our embarra*singly late thank yous.Despite the belated calls, notes, and emails, we hope you all know how much gratitude and love we have for all of you who helped us through the NICU phase in so many different ways.

K and the days of summer