
Simple Tips To Increase Resting Metabolic Rate

Simple Tips To Increase Resting Metabolic Rate

In order to lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you consume.Raising your resting metabolic rate helps to burn those extra calories even while you are not doing anything to aid in your weight loss goals.There are so many ways to increase your metabolic rate, but here are some of my favorites that you could try.

Pump it Up with Weight Training

If you have not yet started weight or resistance training, you should start.The benefits of lifting weights are enormous.Weight or resistance training helps to increase muscle ma*s.And, the more muscle ma*s you have, the more you increase your resting metabolic activity.This is because your body needs to work hard to maintain and feed the muscles on your body, and this process needs energy in the form of calories.A simple half an hour weight-lifting session, three times a week would be enough to give a slight boost to your resting metabolic rate.Now that is less than two hours a week - not much of your time, right?

Feed it Constantly

Another important thing to keep your resting metabolic rate raised throughout the day is to eat on time.The most you could go without food is 3 to 4 hours, so be sure to consistently eat on time.The longer you wait before eating, and your body would starts to 'panic' because there is no new energy source coming in, so it would react by conserving energy by slowing down your resting metabolic rate.But remember, eat like a horse, not like a pig!Eat frequently, but in appropriate portions, balanced and healthy.

Increase Protein

Another simple way to increase your metabolic rate is to increase protein intake in your diet.Good sources of protein are protein powders, fish, lean meats, eggs, skimmed milk, cottage cheese and many more.There are two main reasons for this.First, protein is huge in molecule size, and more calories are needed to help your body digest it.Second, it helps to stabilize insulin levels in the body, which is related to the healthy maintenance of your resting metabolic rate.

With these three simple tips of starting weight or resistance training, eating on time consistently, and increasing your protein intake, you would be able to help increase your body's resting metabolic rate.These three tips are simple.They are not difficult to accomplish.If you really are committed to achieving your Ultimate Fitness Goals, create some healthy habits, and start with these little changes.View the original article here
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