
How can I get rid of back/chest acne quick?

How can I get rid of back/chest acne quick?
How can I get rid of back/chest acne quick?
I've had back acne for a little while now but it's recently broken out pretty bad and it's broken out on my chest as well.It has come to my attention that back/chest acne is MUCH different from facial acne, so facial cleansers more than likely won't work!I'm trying to get it cleared up or at least reduced by the time I go to San Diego on Easter Weekend.Please answer only from personal experience or if you know more about this than I do.

Answer by Michael M
You can get this medicated soap at the supermarket in the same aisle as regular soap.It contains triclosan or something else like that, but it works.Just use that instead of your regular soap and it will work in about three days if that is ok.Plus have a look at your diet for next time and try to eat lower GI foods.Not so many carbs.Food with protein and zinc help a lot.

Answer by Crissy
st.ives.medicated won't get instant results, but I haven't had back acne since I used that scrub..Acne is common on the back, chest, shoulders, and even buttocks of many people.It can be a sign of more severe acne when the lesions are large and painful.Log on to for a few home made tips to heal acne .

Answer by sum
Try lavender oil.Apply this oil on the back acne everyday for minimum 15 days or else apply fresh Aloe vera juice or the gel and wash after a few hours.When washing your back use a loofah, sponge or exfoliant to help remove any dead skin cells that may clog up pores.Use a gentle action and don't be too harsh otherwise you will end up breaking the skin.You should probably change your shirt twice a day to avoid bacteria buildup.Try for more info.

Answer by Nina
Marigold Gel for Acne

10 rose geranium flowers, with leaves and stems
8 marigold (Calendula officinalis) flowers
20 lavender flowerheads
200ml water
1 sachet vegetable gelatine
5 tsp vodka
20 drops tea tree oil

1.Roughly chop the flowers, leaves and stems of the rose geranium and place with the marigold flowers and lavender flowerheads in a large gla*s bowl.
2.Bring the water to the boil and pour it over the flowers to make an infusion.Leave to infuse for 10 minutes, or until the water has taken on the colour of the flowers.Place the infusion, including the plant material, into a blender and whiz.Strain the mixture through a piece of muslin into a clean bowl.
3.Now, in another bowl, dissolve the gelatine in 2 tbsp cold water.Gradually add the flower infusion, stirring to separate lumps.Add the vodka and tea tree oil, stirring until a gel is formed.Using a funnel, pour into a pot with a pump dispenser.STORAGE: Keeps in the refrigerator for up to 6 weeks.
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