
Does Dieting Really Lead To Long Term Weight Loss? What Everyone Ought To Know About Diets

Does Dieting Really Lead To Long Term Weight Loss? What Everyone Ought To Know About Diets

I need you to do something for me dear reader.It'll only take a second.And it's delightfully liberating.

Ready?OK.Go and grab all your nasty-flavoured shakes, rapid weight-loss remedies and magic-cure diet books.

And toss them.

Nope.Don't even think about donating them.

Bin 'em.Well done sister.

Right, so where were we?Oh yes, weight loss.

Conventional wisdom holds that if we want to lose weight then...on a diet we will go.I can hear the collective groan from here.

But get this lovely lady.Tremendous news.You have permission granted to never diet again.Scientific permission even.

A recent study shows that diets work for fewer than 10% of the people who use them...and that the vast majority who diet put on more weight than before they went on it.

That's a 90% failure rate.Read that again.It's a big number.I need you to get this.It's important.


And here's why.

The real reason diets don't work is nothing to do with you being lazy, indulgent or having no will power.It has everything to do with human biology.

In a study during World War II, biological researcher Ancel Keyes discovered that reducing people's calorie intake to a state of semi-starvation produced symptoms of irritability, loss of endurance and obsessive behaviour around food, including but not limited to lying, hoarding and stealing.

Even more telling, in the three months after the semi-starvation ended and people could once again eat whatever they wanted, their obsession with food continued.Many of the people ate up to eight times as much food as they had done before the study began.

Does any of this sound familiar?

Here's the real shocker.The semi-starvation rations from the study amounted to 1,500 calories a day, which is more than is allowed in many diets currently in vogue.

Basically dieting sends the famine message to your brain which is interpreted as "OMG!Warning!Panic!There's not enough food here so put every spare calorie into fat cos we don't know where our next meal is coming from."

Hello starvation mode, food obsession and messed-up metabolism.And muffin top.

UK hypnotist Paul McKenna summed it up perfectly when he said, "Diets are essentially training courses in how to get fat and feel like a failure."

So there you are ladies.If you want to lose weight Do Not Diet.Not Ever.Nope Not Even Once.

So if dieting isn't the does one shed those extra kilos?

It's a good question.I'm pleased you asked.

Being overweight is very often an emotional issue and no diet will ever fix that.In this series of posts I'll share a delightfully liberating non-diet weight loss philosophy which will get to the heart of the weight loss problem.But enough about what future posts hold!Repeat after me.Diets.Don't.Work.

Now you're one of the enlightened ones.Next time you see the Next Big Thing in celebrity diets you'll remember that they're the enemy of weight loss.Good on you sister."I've been on a constant diet for the last two decades.I've lost a total of 789 pounds.By all accounts, I should be hanging from a charm bracelet."

"Teenage Dieters Are More Likely to be Overweight and Suffer From Eating Disorders in the Future," Medical News Today Website (April 14, 2006)

"They Starved So That Others Be Better Fed: Remembering Ancel Keys and the Minnesota experiment." Leah M.Kalm and Richard D.Semba Journal of Nutrition, Vol.135, June 2005, 1347-1352.


I'd be absolutely thrilled.Please be so kind as to include this little love note with it:

Avril Carpenter helps women ignite their thinner sparkle.An expert in the psychology of weight loss she helps clients pinpoint what's going on between their ears that prevents them being their happy weight.Clients discover that when their mindset is sorted, the number on the scale takes care of itself.Forever.If you're ready to lose weight, look absolutely fabulous (daaarling) and ignite your thinner sparkle you can sign up for a F.R.E.E.subscription at the original article here
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