
Antiritmicheskie funds

Antiritmicheskie funds

Currently, on the basis of electrophysiological studies in humans and in tissue culture conducting redundant system of the heart is customary to distinguish 4 cla*ses of antiarrhythmics.I belong to the cla*s of drugs that block the "fast" sodium channels, which leads to a decrease in the rate of depolarization, lengthening the duration of the action potential and refractory period, the suppression of automaticity.The duration of the blockade of sodium channels are divided into means of intermediate duration (from 2 to 5) - subcla*s Ia (quinidine, novokainamid, disopyramide), drugs subcla*s Ib (lidocaine, tokainid, Valium, phenytoin), providing short-term action (up to 1 s) and medications 1c subgroups have the most long-term (5) the effect on sodium channels (flecainide, enkainid, propafenoin).In Cla*s II includes beta-blockers.To belong to cla*s III drugs that delay repolarization (amiodarone, bretily, sotalol).Cla*s IV include calcium channel blockers.

News: Samuel Kohan, PhD, Psychoanalyst Video

Grace for Days That Don't Go as Planned

Grace for Days That Don't Go as Planned I'm having one of those "mom's in need of mercy" weeks--you know, the ones where you feel like you're doing just about everything wrong when it comes to your kids.Too much nagging, too much scolding, too little laughter, too few smiles.I'm trying to see myself as they see me, and I wonder: do they feel like I'm justВ one grouchy mother?I don't intend for the days to be like this.

After a ratherВ rough start to an "official"В homeschooling day (which ended up being just a phonics and handwriting lesson) thatВ did not come anywhere close to being the happy, fun, excited time of learning and togetherness I envisioned, I read this post by Elizabeth Foss.It said exactly what I felt.

Even if you don't homeschool, I encourage you to read it.It encourages all mothers with children at home.

May you be blessed as I was.

Read it here:

The First Day Never Goes As Planned

Ever had one of those days?

10 Ways to Overcome Difficult Sleep (suitable for experienced frequent insomnia)

Carvedilol is the Generic Coreg to Treat Congestive Heart

Carvedilol is the Generic Coreg to Treat Congestive Heart Carvedilol is the Generic Coreg to Treat Congestive Heart Failure and High Blood Pressure

Jim Beam Bacon Mustard, 11-Ounce (Pack of 6)

Precise from the Makers of Tylenol Large Pain Relieving Heat Patch, 3 count (Pack of 3)

Precise from the Makers of Tylenol Large Pain Relieving Heat Patch, 3 count (Pack of 3) Do you find what you need?Look here!
How much Tylenol to give a 17 month old?My daughter has a fever. What is the correct tylenol dose for a child under 25 lbs? Is it 0.8ml or 0.4ml?

Answer by Lorena G
First did you call your doctor to find out if you can give her tylenol,since there are new regulations on dose to children under the age of 4.You can also call the 800 number on the box, a professional will answer your question.I hope your daughter feels better.

Answer by Sarah
I think it says on the label but I believe it's .8 ml.You can always call the hospital and ask them if your not sure.Hope your little girl gets to feeling better.

Answer by а

Dhadkanein (2005) Г

Dhadkanein (2005) Г 
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Speaking of Demonbreuns

Speaking of Demonbreuns

Look who makes an appearance in this weird story about someone spiking the water at a football game in Ashland City.

News: Xbox 360 Wireless Microphone

whiny wednesday... you're invited to a pity party

whiny wednesday... you're invited to a pity party I'm really tired of summer.It's time for the seasons to change.

Today is my brother Bryan's birthday.On the way home yesterday I was calculating Bryan's age...letseeeee...born in 1978, which makes him ...hmmmm....33...but that would make me 43???

I have a theory that women don't necessarily lie about their age...they just forget.

Today is also my nephew Caleb's birthday.He's 7...and that means our Jamie doll will soon be 7 as they were born just a few months apart.I had such great hopes that they would be "best cousins" having been born so close together.I don't think they really even know each other.Occasionally Sarabeth, Jamie and myself will review "who are the people in our family" and I always mention Elizabeth, Caleb, Madie and Joshua...although they don't really know them.Which always makes me sad...'s been a physically trying week for me so's just my reality, unfortunately, when I don't rest enough on the weekend, the pain is far worse during the week.Every now and then I need to get out with the three dimensional people which means every now and then I'm going to suffer a bit more.I'm battling a sore throat and earache as well...and if there were enough hours in the day for dealing with such things, I would make a doctor appointment to check those out.There just isn't time.

The plan is for Austin to go back to school today...I'll take him and pick him up.This is not a workable plan long term because it's waaaay out of the way and will burn quite a bit of gas and put me on the road much longer than I wanna be or feel like being BUT...hopefully he will be able to line up a ride home on Thursday and Friday with his friends who drive.As much as I hate putting him in the car with an inexperienced options are to either have him miss more school, have me miss more work or let him catch a ride.Single parenting is not for the faint of heart.The rules change when you're a single just do the best you can.

Watching the Atlanta news in the morning makes me glad I live 90 miles away from Atlanta.Not that there isn't any crime here...there just isn't MUCH.

It's Whiny Wednesday...I think I've whined enough without making a list today....but...I'll give it a shot:

1.The cat pulled down my bedroom curtains...must be re-hung.
2.Austin didn't empty the dishwasher as requested last night.
3.Payday is tomorrow...(ok, that's a blessing not a whine...but it's owed out as soon as it comes in)
4.I'm tired and sick and in pain and the last thing in the world I want to do is drive all the way across the county twice today but ...there's no one to do it except me.
5.I don't get to see either of my relatives with birthdays today...I miss my brother and my little nephew.
6.I've still got to inventory and tag the clothes for the Super Consignment Sale in two weeks.
7.My head hurts.That information belongs with the earlier comment (#4) but I forgot to mention it back then.
8.Gosh I'm tired.And discouraged.And exhausted.And redundant.
9.I dreamed about Purple Michael last night which made me wake up missing him.
10.The cat formerly known as Lex and/or Lish, now more accurately named Trouble just came slinking out of the bathroom with a roll of toilet paper in his mouth.Apparently he was going to have a party...

Ok....enough of that.Time to bring this pity party to an end and put on my big girl drawers and deal with it.

Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!

Major Break Via in Skin color Cancer Medication - The length of time Until it Gets to Market?

Even if You Do Everything Else Right - This Frequently Overlooked Threat can Destroy Your Health

Even if You Do Everything Else Right - This Frequently Overlooked Threat can Destroy Your Health

your house making you illThe U.S.EPA has stated that levels of about a dozen common chemical pollutants are two to five times higher inside homes than outside of them.Scientists are beginning to suspect that indoor pollutants may be in part responsible for rising rates of asthma and other respiratory diseases.

Indoor pollution has also been known to cause headaches, flu-like symptoms, and even neurological problems.В MSN Health has compiled a list of steps you can take to minimize your family's exposure with a few simple steps.They include:

  • Wait a few days before picking up your dry cleaning.Dry-cleaned clothes emit chemicals that have been linked to cancer and neurological problems right after cleaning.
  • Go fragrance-free.Some scented air fresheners can release compounds that cause headaches and eye, nose, and throat irritation.
  • Make sure your fireplace flue is working properly.В This will keep the lung-irritating particles in wood smoke out of your indoor air.low fat diet diets that work fast healthy meal plans
    Major Break Via in Skin color Cancer Medication - The length of time Until it Gets to Market?



Vigabatrin Why is this medication prescribed?
Vigabatrin tablets are used in combination with other medications to control certain types of seizures in adults whose seizures were not controlled by several other medications.Vigabatrin powder is used to control infantile spasms (a type of seizure that babies and children can have) in babies 1 month to 2 years of age.Vigabatrin is in a cla*s of medications called anticonvulsants.It works by decreasing abnormal electrical activity in the brain.
How should this medication be used?
Vigabatrin comes as a powder to be mixed with water and as a tablet to take by mouth.It is usually taken twice a day with or without food.Take vigabatrin at around the same times every day.Follow the directions on your prescription label carefully, and ask your doctor or pharmacist to explain any part you do not understand.Take vigabatrin exactly as directed.Do not take more or less of it or take it more often than prescribed by your doctor.
Your doctor will probably start you on a low dose of vigabatrin and gradually increase your dose, not more often than once every 3 days for babies receiving the powder mixed with water and once a week for adults taking tablets.
Vigabatrin may help control your condition but will not cure it.Continue to take vigabatrin even if you feel well.Do not stop taking vigabatrin without talking to your doctor.If you suddenly stop taking vigabatrin, your seizures may happen more often.Your doctor will probably decrease your dose gradually, not more often than once every 3-4 days for babies receiving the powder mixed with water and once a week for adults taking tablets.Tell your doctor immediately if your seizures happen more often while you are stopping vigabatrin.
If you are taking the powder, you must mix it with cold or room temperature water immediately before taking it.Do not mix the powder with any other liquid or food.The doctor will tell you how many packets of vigabatrin powder to use and how much water to mix it with.The doctor will also tell you how much of the mixture to take for each dose.Do not use a household spoon to measure your dose.Use the oral syringe that came with the medication.Carefully read the manufacturer's instructions that describe how to mix and take a dose of vigabatrin.Be sure to ask your pharmacist or doctor if you have any questions about how to mix or take this medication.
Talk to the doctor about what to do if your baby vomits, spits up, or only takes part of the dose of vigabatrin.
Are there other uses for this medicine?
This medication may be prescribed for other uses; ask your doctor or pharmacist for more information.
Other names

Cautiously Optimistic

Cautiously Optimistic

I still think I’m pregnant.I still am refusing to pee on a stick.I have an appointment to see my doctor next week and will get a blood test then.I just don’t want to see a negative pregnancy result.Because in the back of my mind I’m worried that would happen.

What is unavoidable is that I am still late.My boobs ache and I am nauseous in the mornings.

Mornings freak me out.Because my boobs are only a little tender and I worry instantly that it’s a sign something has gone wrong.Why do they hurt so much less?I wonder.But the queasiness is there so that holds my freakout at bay a little.I have very little appetite and frankly food doesn’t taste that great to me.I forced myself to eat most of a piece of toast with almond butter and half a banana this morning.I was nauseous until nearly lunch.But it was nothing I can’t handle, I’m not throwing up I just have that feeling I get before speaking to a large crowd of people.I expect the nausea to get worse.I actually welcome it because it at least is a sign something’s going right here.

News: Xbox 360 Wireless Microphone

Family Update

Family Update I am really sorry that it has been such a long time since I have updated. I wanted to take a minute to fill you all in on what has been going on with our family. It's all good, we've just been busy!

Zachary finished his last swimming lesson last week. He has been taking swimming all summer and is doing terrific. Completley beyond my expectations of where he would be with swimming at his age.
K and the days of summer

What Are They Going To Do When It Runs Out Permanently?в

What Are They Going To Do When It Runs Out Permanently?в 
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Inconsistent Blogging

Inconsistent Blogging A beloved friend of mine is getting married and as the matron of honor I will be helping her prepare for her wedding.В  My blogging will be inconsistent for a few days because of this.В  I will resume blogging as normal next Tuesday.

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Freedom from Addiction: The Chopra Center Method for Overcoming Destructive Habits

Freedom from Addiction: The Chopra Center Method for Overcoming Destructive Habits

If you've ever wished you could just stop ... drinking eating smoking gambling shopping (pick one) For anyone struggling to break the cycle of addiction comes the groundbreaking approach from The Chopra Center, the world-renowned facility that has successfully helped thousands of people change their lives for the better.Chopra Center cofounder and medical director David Simon, M.D., and bestselling author and personal-growth expert Deepak Chopra outline their revolutionary approach--one that defies outmoded beliefs about recovery, particularly that people 'are' their addictions or that they are powerless to control them.By integrating the best of Western research with Eastern traditions, Simon and Chopra give anyone the tools to uncover the true cause of their addiction and provide comprehensive steps to end it for good.Readers will discover how to: - Recognize the purpose their habit serves and how to fill the void - Identify triggers and avoid relapse - Deal with disappointments, insecurities, or anger in ways that provide lasting relief, not a temporary high - Use meditation to counter stress - Choose foods and supplements that will detoxify the body and curb cravings By following the path thousands have used to turn their lives around, now anyone can have access to the renowned Chopra Center's program to achieve lasting freedom from addiction.

Amazon Sales Rank: #115066 in Books Published on: 2007-11-01 Released on: 2007-11-01 Original language: English Number of items: 1 Dimensions: .60" h x 5.58" w x 8.49" l, .58 pounds Binding: Paperback 256 pages ISBN13: 9780757305788 Condition: New Notes: BRAND NEW FROM PUBLISHER!100% Satisfaction Guarantee.Tracking provided on most orders.Buy with Confidence!Millions of books sold!

From Publishers Weekly With the Chopra imprimatur, this is likely to find an eager audience.Holistic medicine star Chopra and Simon (cofounder of the Chopra Center for Wellbeing, in California) are nonjudgmental and compa*sionate toward those struggling with cravings.They begin with the premise that the core needs of people with addictions are no different from those of other people and that addicts are on a spiritual quest, even if they are not aware of it.In the authors' holistic view, The challenge addiction presents is finding nourishing substitutions to fulfill your deep underlying needs for love, self-esteem, safety, and meaning in your life.Yet their method, which involves a purifying Ayurvedic diet, yoga asanas, twice-daily meditation and clearing of past emotional hurts, might be too challenging for people suffering from the chaos of addiction to manage on their own.This isn't helped by character profiles that are vague about what happened to these people in the recovery process.It would have been useful for readers to know exactly how effective the Chopra Center's methods are, compared with traditional rehab or 12-step programs.Nonetheless, the Ayurvedic flavor is an interesting twist on Western methods, which rely so heavily on group therapy.(Jan.) Copyright В© Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc.All rights reserved.About the Author Through his creation of the Chopra Center for Well Being in California in 1995, Deepak Chopra established a formal vehicle for the expansion of his healing approach using the integration of the best of western medicine with natural healing traditions.Chopra is known as the prolific author of more than forty-two books.David Simon, M.D., (San Diego, CA) has been instrumental in forging a new model of health that integrates body, mind, and spirit.As cofounder (with Deepak Chopra) and medical director of the Chopra Center, Dr.Simon is the driving force behind the Center's development, training, and implementation of programs and seminars in mind-body medicine, emotional healing, and spirituality.He directs a comprehensive curriculum that includes on-site seminars and workshops, in addition to a worldwide educational outreach program.

Most helpful customer reviews 10 of 12 people found the following review helpful.Freedom from abuse of patience Lewis This book is fantastic!The way David Simmon refamed the 12-step program is remarkable and much more user friendly for the public ...It is beautiful how he and Deepak explain why people become addicted and that is something you should see as a dependency for the rest of your life.The only thing missing is a program at the Chopra Center to go with it.0 of 0 people found this review helpful.Another winner for Chopra!By P.Davis Each book of Deepak Chopra are worth reading.You do think, reflect and renew.All users must read this book.True freedom and healing from within.0 of 1 people found this review helpful.can save lives by Ken Hazlewood Deepak on this, the new!2 steps to much more sense in these times.All 5 reviews ...

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Is there a natural or holistic treatment in lieu of

Is there a natural or holistic treatment in lieu of Is there a natural or holistic treatment in lieu of pharmaceuticals for high blood pressure?


Memprediksi Risiko Kematian Orang Gemuk

Memprediksi Risiko Kematian Orang Gemuk
Voters blame Bush more than Obama for the economy

Then and Now

Then and Now

With our first kiss

you tremble

What I would miss

you tremble


So tender and sweet

you tremble

Last night lips meet

you tremble


With my soft caress

you tremble

This day no less

you tremble


AsВ night first spent

you tremble

В Years came and went

you tremble.


Teresa MarieВ  8/29/11

Malice intensifies the pain

Types of High Intensity Aerobic Activities

Types of High Intensity Aerobic Activities

High-impact aerobic activities, such as step cla*ses, cardio funk or kickboxing, require durable, sturdy and supportive shoes designed for these kinds of activities.High-impact exercise puts substantial pressure on your knees, ankles and feet.Well-designed shoes can relieve some joint discomfort and prevent injury during strenuous and high-energy workouts.
Shopping for athletic shoes can be overwhelming.You'll find walking shoes, running shoes, everyday athletic shoes and cross-trainers.Lightweight everyday sneakers aren't adequate for these kind of cla*ses, and running shoes aren't designed for side-to-side movement.Invest in a pair of good-quality cross-trainers made specifically for gym workouts for your high-energy cla*ses at the gym to keep your feet and knees happy as you burn calories and blast away fat.
The American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine recommends that you choose a shoe with a high toe box and substantial side support.Look for an aerobic shoe with thick cushioning and shock absorption.Cross-trainers should have a stable sole and thick leather upper.Some cross-trainers offer a removable insole, making them ideal if you prefer to use a purchased insole or custom orthotic.
Recommended Shoes
While the best shoe is one that fits and supports your feet, a few shoes have been well ranked by fitness experts and can provide you with an ideal starting point when you shop.Fitness Magazine recommends the Avia A1433 for cardio cla*ses and other gym workouts, while CBS News likes the Adidas Twentyfour7 Daya.Both shoes provide support, cushioning and the stability you need for a hard workout.
If you have problems with your feet, you should see a podiatrist before you purchase shoes for aerobic cla*ses.If your feet pronate, turning inward, or supinate, turning outward, the side-to-side movement in high-impact aerobics may be especially risky, according to the American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine.A podiatrist can provide you with a custom orthotic insole to correct these movements and reduce any potential pain or discomfort.


Social Network as Outbreak Investigation Tool | CDC EID

Social Network as Outbreak Investigation Tool | CDC EID Julia F.Howland and Craig Conover The recent article by Oh et al.(1) discussed the utility of email surveys for the investigation of outbreaks. After they have been created, digital surveys require less time to administer than paper-based or telephone surveys and can produce high-quality and timely data.During an outbreak in Illinois, we used email and a social networking site to distribute a link to a confidential Inquisit ( survey and compared characteristics of the groups that responded to each.
In December 2010, the Illinois Department of Public Health received a report of an outbreak of gastrointestinal illness among guests at a wedding reception.Health department staff converted a standard foodborne outbreak questionnaire to a digital format.The survey link was then distributed to guests by 2 methods: email from the reception hosts and the note function on the host's Facebook page.Facebook has 500 million active users, 50% of whom check their Facebook pages every day (2).The Facebook note function is a blogging feature through which users can publish content visible to linked friends.
A total of 14 persons responded to the email-distributed survey link and 41 to the Facebook-distributed survey link.For each survey, data quality was high and response rates for questions were >90%.Facebook respondents were younger than email respondents (mean ages 29.8 and 37.4 years, respectively).Information provided by Facebook respondents covered persons 11 months to 80 years of age and by email respondents 167 years of age.Parents were asked to complete surveys for any children unable to answer the questions independently.The Facebook-distributed survey had a higher percentage of male respondents (41.5%) than did the email-distributed survey (21.4%).
Facebook-distributed surveys were answered significantly faster than email-distributed surveys (p<0.05).The mean number of hours from distribution to response was 42.3 for the email survey and 8.7 for the Facebook survey.The Facebook survey link was distributed at 6:00 pm on a Thursday evening; 34 (82.9%) surveys were completed by 9:00 am on Friday morning.On the basis of these responses, health department staff were able to identify the implicated foods the day after the questionnaires were distributed.
Distributing foodborne outbreak questionnaires through Facebook generated data that were complete and timely.Facebook-distributed surveys captured a wide range of respondent age groups and more male respondents than did email-distributed surveys.Previous studies of online survey response rates found rates to be significantly higher for women than for men (3).In addition to low cost and significantly improved survey response times, social networking distribution holds other advantages for health departments.Recall errors are reduced by distributing the survey to persons simultaneously and immediately.Posting of surveys through a health department's social networking accounts could also enable participation of persons for whom the health department does not have contact information.Given these advantages and the widespread use of social networking, use of these tools should be considered as an option for survey distribution during outbreak investigations.Oh JY, Bancroft JE, Cunningham MC, Keene WE, Lyss SB, Cieslak PR, et al.Comparison of survey methods in norovirus outbreak investigation, Oregon, USA.Emerg Infect Dis.2010;16:17736.
  • Zuckerberg M.500 million stories.July 21, 2010 [cited 2010 Dec 22].
  • Sax L, Gilmartin S, Bryant A.Assessing response rates and nonresponse bias in Web and paper surveys.Res Higher Educ.2003;44:40932.DOI
  • Howland JF, Conover C.Social network as outbreak investigation tool [letter].Emerg Infect Dis [serial on the Internet].2011 Sep [date cited]. to the AuthorsJulia F.Howland, Division of Infectious Diseases, Illinois Department of Public Health, 7th Floor, 122 S Michigan Ave, Chicago, IL 60602, USA; email:
    Social Network as Outbreak Investigation Tool | CDC EID: - Enviado mediante la barra Google

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    Healing Hypertension: A Revolutionary New Approach (Health)

    Healing Hypertension: A Revolutionary New Approach (Health)

    A PIONEERING APPROACH TO OVERCOMING HIGH BLOOD PRESSUREIf you are one of the millions of people diagnosed with high blood pressure, this groundbreaking book can change your life.Unique in combining a medical and a psychological approach, Samuel J.Mann, M.D., explains:How you can tell whether or not your high blood pressure is related to emotionsHow to find the medication best suited for you, and when to reduce or eliminate unnecessary medicationHow exploring "hidden" or repressed emotions can reduce your blood pressure and the need for medicationFeaturing compelling and instructive case histories as well as the latest medical research, Healing Hypertension can help you make sense of your high blood pressure while offering new choices for controlling it."In Healing Hypertension, Dr.Samuel Mann pushes the boundaries of medicine by demonstrating the emotional components of hypertension, one of the most serious health problems of our day.Healing Hypertension shows that it is not enough to attend to our physical bodies; we must look to our emotional life as well if we expect to be healthy and wh*le.This is an immensely important book." -Larry Dossey, M.D., A Author of Healing Words and Reinventing Medicine

    Amazon Sales Rank: #766204 in Books Published on: 1999-12-24 Original language: English Number of items: 1 Binding: Paperback 256 pages ISBN13: 9780471376439 Condition: New Notes: BRAND NEW FROM PUBLISHER!100% Satisfaction Guarantee.Tracking provided on most orders.Buy with Confidence!Millions of books sold! Review "It is our hidden emotions, the emotions we do not feel, that lead to hypertension," writes Samuel J.Mann, M.D., physician/researcher and Associate Professor at the Hypertension Center at the New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center."Becoming aware of our hidden emotions and dealing with them can enable both physical and emotional healing," he adds.Hypertension, commonly known as high blood pressure, affects 50 million Americans and prompts more doctor visits than any other medical condition.In Healing Hypertension, Mann explains how you can tell if hidden emotions are instrumental in your hypertension (they may not be, if your condition is mainly genetic), and if so, how you can get on the path to healing.Some clues that you may be burdened by hidden emotions include emotional trauma that you think is behind you, a habit of not feeling unwanted emotions, a history of emotional isolation, and childhood abuse or severe family dysfunction.Mann also briefly discusses how hidden emotions can affect other medical conditions such as back pain, headaches, and anxiety disorders.He spends most of the book helping you see that hidden emotions may be affecting your hypertension.The last few chapters address where you can go from there.Numerous case histories personalize the information.--Joan Price From Publishers Weekly More than 50 million Americans suffer from high blood pressure, making this disease one of the top reasons for physician visits in the U.S.Most studies on hypertension focus on the cause-effect relationship between type-A personalities?those under extreme stress on a regular basis?and their resulting high blood pressure.This book, however, takes a look at the connection between individuals who repress stress and emotions and their unexplained high blood pressure.Mann, a physician at the Hypertension Center at the New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center, argues that these individuals?the ones with "hidden emotions"?suffer the long-term effects of high blood pressure because the underlying causes of their condition aren't readily identifiable and therefore not addressed.The author offers ways people can find help and lists various medical treatment options.Through statistics and case studies, Mann presents his theory that only by researching a patient's past and finding the unacknowledged source of that patient's stress can the causes of hypertension be addressed and dealt with accurately and effectively.This accessible guide will be especially helpful for people looking to identify the underlying factors that they can control rather than relying on medication.Copyright 1998 Reed Business Information, Inc.From Booklist Estimates say that 50 million Americans have hypertension and that 95 percent of them have "essential hypertension" --medical speak for "I don't know the cause." Mann's perceptive text contains many short case histories illustrating points such as that hypertension is too often diagnosed by snap judgment, that drugs are often prescribed on the basis of the latest fad rather than as a result of listening to the patient, and that a treatment regimen seldom gets later review to see whether it really fits the diagnosis.Mann points out, too, that stress can raise blood pressure slightly, but usually only for a short time.When he started talking with patients about a first increase in blood pressure, he found that it sometimes happened after an emotional event.Once the patient brought the event to light, blood pressure often went down.After these experiences, Mann started earnestly pursuing the possibility of similar scenarios in other cases.Thoroughly documented, this is a book that deserves serious study.William Beatty

    Customer Reviews more useful 57 of 58 people found the following review helpful.Fresh new medical and psychological knowledge by a client when I took Hypertension Cure, I expected a book about the mind / body connection for hypertension.To my pleasant surprise, I discovered that the book has new ideas about both the medical and psychological aspects of the cause and treatment of hypertension.Dr.Mann Point of View is different in many respects from the traditional mind / body perspectives.He emphasizes that hypertension is linked to emotions in some people, but it has nothing to do with emotions in others.He discusses how the hypertension is linked to emotions we have hidden from ourselves than to the emotions we feel, which only affect us temporarily.People who never feel anxious about something are more likely to develop hypertension than people who do.Past traumatic events can affect our blood pressure, even decades later.Understand this, and get in touch with the feelings hidden so they can lower blood pressure, Dr.Mann makes his points with numerous case studies very interesting and very convincing and also the discussion of many studies.I was very surprised by the substantial evidence that challenges the traditional mind / body concept.Dr.Mann explains how to choose the right treatment, blood pressure, according to whether hypertension is a*sociated with feelings or not.After hearing how the medication my doctor has been taken up without rhyme or reason, and to have found little information anywhere about how to choose the right medication, I found the chapter on medical treatment is very important.Hypertension healing is a fascinating book.Sends a large amount of new information and more, reads like a novel than a medical book.I highly recommend it to all those who live with the mystery of hypertension.8 of 9 people found this review helpful.The advice in this book really works from a client I had a problem with white coat hypertension for a long time, I read this book and following his advice regarding the problem of not dealing with the hidden emotions that I thought my problem solved I could never overcome.I highly recommend this book, especially if you feel you do not really have hypertension and are just very nervous when blood pressure is taken.5 of 7 people found this review helpful.From a customer eminently helpful This is one of the best books I've read on hypertension.Dr.Mann's style is sweet and knowledge, and makes the concepts easy to understand.And if the pressure of the blood is bound to suppress their emotions or not, the last part of the book provides an excellent overview of treatment options.Read 6 reviews ....

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    "Sound Oasis Sound Therapy System" Feature

    Four position timer including continuous, 30 min, 60 min and 90 min with volume reduction for a gentle off

    "Sound Oasis Sound Therapy System" Overview

    Sound Oasis is a unique sound relaxation product that allows you to create your very own sound environment.By bathing your room with the world's most authentic sounds of nature, Sound Oasis blocks out irritating noises and creates a peaceful atmosphere so you fall asleep easier, get higher quality sleep, enhance concentration and feel more alert throughout the day!Sound Oasis is also a proven tool for coping with the effects of tinnitus.Sound Oasis represents the next generation in sound conditioners by incorporating the world's first "sound card" technology which enables users to add new sounds to their Sound Oasis unit by simply inserting an optional memory card containing 6 different sounds.A jumbo digital alarm clock makes telling time easy and allows you to wake to a buzzer or nature sound alarm.Incorporating a multiposition timer (with 4 selections: continuous, 30, 60, and 90 minutes), a unique "gradual off" volume reduction feature for a peaceful decrease in sound volume, a rotary on/off volume control, headphone jack and an off/ resume button that stops the unit or repeats your last played sequence at the touch of a button, Sound Oasis is a perfect bedside companion.Sound Oasis also features an omnidirectional reflective speaker that projects the sound from the back of the unit for rich, deep sound.The unit's unique design allows the unit to be mounted to a wall, used flat on its back, or in an upright position for minimal use of table space.Sound Oasis can be powered by 4 "AA" batteries (not included) for traveling, or by an AC adapter (included) for convenient use at home or the office.

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    News: Samuel Kohan, PhD, Psychoanalyst Video

    Is Anyone Minding The Store At The Federal Reserve?

    Is Anyone Minding The Store At The Federal Reserve?


    The Federal Reserve Awareness Project

    NOTE:В  I am not knowledgeable enough about the Federal Reserve to say emphatically what is going on in this exchange with Alan Grayson, but it is certainly interesting, is it not?В  Stella

    Special request from the publisher of The Daily Bail:

    I am politely asking each and every one of you to send this video to 2 people.This is by far the most important video we’ve ever published out of more than 15,000 and as soon as you begin watching you will understand exactly why we need to get it in front of millions and millions of Americans.For a variety of reasons this clip resonates with virtually everyone who sees it, and your emails are the conduit.

    More than 4 million people have seen this clip and become aware of secret bailouts by the Federal Reserve.All because of you.

    But couldn’t you make it 40 million and ruin Bernanke’s life

    Start watching at the 3-minute mark.The action begins soon after.At issue is the accounting and oversight for $9 trillion in secret Fed bailouts of Wall Street banks, for which taxpayers are ultimately responsible to the tune of $32,000 for every man, woman and child in this country.Fed audit, anyone?

    Video of the Financial Services Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations hearing of May 5, 2009.

    [xeefun] L'Ermitage Beverly Hills Hotel Los Angeles California

    How to Listen in on First Responder Calls During the Hurricane [Video]

    How to Listen in on First Responder Calls During the Hurricane [Video] News outlets are going to frantically update you with Hurricane Irene info, but you can get a step ahead and listen directly to live feeds of first responder calls.Here's how (and where). MoreВ » ELECTRONIC DATA SYSTEMS ELECTRONIC ARTS ECLIPSYS EASTMAN KODAK CO EARTHLINK
    How can I get rid of back/chest acne quick?

    Rhino horn raiders steal replicas from Tring museum

    Rhino horn raiders steal replicas from Tring museum

    Thieves who broke into a museum to rip two rhino horns from taxidermy displays were foiled by staff who had replaced horns worth В

    Is My Husband Crazy or What?

    Is My Husband Crazy or What? My husband got fired from his job 'cause he fall drug test.Anyhow, we live on one income which is not much 75K yr for that last 10mo.He doesn't even want find a job he says he is not going to take a job unless is something he wants.However, he has a child from previous marriage who lives in another State and I talk to his ex telling her that I can't offer to pay the child support anymore all I can do is to keep the child on my health and dental insurance and till her dad gets a job we won't be paying child support so I stopped the automatic payment starting the first of this mo.I also told her that we can't have his daughter this summer like we mostly do 'cause I can't offer to hire a full time baby sitter 'cause my husband said won't watch her while I'm at work.Now my husband is so mad saying that we could offer to do all that and I'm doing this 'cause she is not my child which is not true.What should I do I don't want look like the bad guy when I'm not.
    You're not the bad guy!It's not your responsibility to pay his child support for him - to be honest, I think you're being generous in continuing to pay for the insurance.He needs to man up and face his responsibilities, even if it means taking a job he doesn't want.Stick to your guns - if you give in on this, he'll walk all over you.

    Cheap Sunny Health &amp; Fitness Foot Massager

    5 Ways Travel Has Prepared Me For A Hurricane

    5 Ways Travel Has Prepared Me For A Hurricane

    Whilst preparing for the impending hurricane, I am struck by how similar emergency preparation is to trip preparation.В  Thus, even though this is the first hurricane (in my lifetime) that’s ever posed a serious threat to my little part of Pennsylvania, this process feels oddly familiar.В  And so, I bring you the top five ways that traveling has prepared me for a natural disaster:

    5.В  I am quite accustomed to charging every electronic device I own all at one time.В  And, in fact, I know where all of my chargers arethey are in my backpack.

    4.В  I understand the importance of taking advantage of existing resourcesafter all, in travel and in impending emergency situations, you never know the next time you’ll get to shower (or shave your legs) or do laundry or even use the restroom.В  Better safe than sorry, I always say.В  Which is why my legs are shaved and my dishes are washed and my laundry is tumbling in the dryer right now.

    3.В  I am used to cooking with limited resources or limited supplies.В  Here’s me cooking in our cabin in Nova Scotia, using a packet of cranberry sauce I swiped from a restaurant earlier in the week and a splash of my husband’s beer.В  Note the lamp I’m holding over the stove to light the photo.В  The light in the kitchen was broken, so I had to steal this lamp from the bedside table:

    Here’s hoping that after the storm I don’t have to post a photo of me cooking over the grill whilst holding a flashlight in my mouthbut if it happens, I’ll be ready!

    2.В  I know how to prepare for situations that I can’t control.В  True, to me this typically means always having a stash of red wine and beef jerky, but stillthat’s good advice for a road trip or a hurricane!

    1.В  I know that sometimes things just suck.В  Take Paris for examplethis sure sucked:

    And even on our most recent (and most awesome) trip, sometimes things sucked, too.В  Take this weather, for example

    But through travel I have (almost) learned to be ok with the sucky times because I know that it will, eventually, get better.В  And maybe there will even be a rainbow (though there weren’t any in Nova Scotia, despite the odd sunshine rain!)

    Here’s hoping that this storm turns out to be less epic than predicted for everyone involved and that I won’t even need to employ any of my travel-learned skills.В  Stay safe, everyone.

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    Major Break Via in Skin color Cancer Medication - The length of time Until it Gets to Market?

    5 Ways to Reduce Stretch Marks

    5 Ways to Reduce Stretch Marks

    Stretch marks can show up anywhere on the body where the skin has expanded too quickly.Common areas include the stomach, buttocks, breasts, thighs and hips.Even though stretch marks are common, they can still be upsetting to your self-esteem, especially if you plan on lying on the beach in a swimsuit anytime soon.There are ways to help your stretch marks, however, to reduce their appearance at the very least and hopefully remove them completely.
    Step 1
    Begin treatment early.Once you notice stretch marks developing on your skin, take action.Make an appointment with your dermatologist to get a treatment recommendation.The sooner you start treatment, the more likely you will be able to eliminate them.It's important to note, however, that though pregnant women are often the victims of stretch marks, many creams and treatments cannot be performed until after you've given birth.
    Step 2
    Moisturize daily.After showering, use a rich emollient cream to moisturize and hydrate your skin.This will lock in the moisture your skin obtained from the shower, leaving it plump and supple.This makes stretch marks less noticeable and more receptive to scar creams and other removal methods.
    Step 3
    Protect your skin and stretch marks with sunscreen.Use a formula that has at least SPF 15 and apply it before going outside.Sun exposure can make stretch marks appear darker, so protecting them will help them fade faster.
    Step 4
    Apply a topical retinoid like tretinoin or Retin-A to your stretch marks.If they are new and just developed with the past six weeks, this treatment should reduce redness and stimulate collagen production.This will fill in the scar and allow it to heal for the most part.Use the cream once a day or as directed by your dermatologist.
    Step 5
    Buy a microdermabrasion kit and use it on your stretch marks.According to, microdermabrasion can help remove older stretch marks, especially those that have turned white or silvery over time.After applying the crystals to your skin, run the wand over the area to slough off the top layer of skin.With consistent use over the span of several weeks, your stretch marks should be less prominent.

    Major Break Via in Skin color Cancer Medication - The length of time Until it Gets to Market?


    Fiction Need Not Apply: Disaster Edition

    Fiction Need Not Apply: Disaster Edition

    In a statement Friday afternoon, NASA astronomers warned that a previously undiscovered asteroid exceeding twelve miles in diameter is on course to collide with the US east coast as early as Thursday, August 30th.An unnamed source at the Goddard Space Flight Center confirms that current calculations place the impact site between Boston, Ma*sachusetts and Raleigh, North Carolina.

    Admit it if you live on the US east coast, you probably believed this for a least a second or two.The reason my blog’s tagline is «Fiction Need Not Apply» is because if you had told me last week that, within the space of six days, Philadelphia would get an earthquake and then a bona fide hurricane warning, I would have told you to get the #$%@ out of town.

    Real life usually proves more surprising than anything you could make up.

    So here we are, listening to furrow-faced governors and mayors tell us to evacuate the shore.As I said in my last post, I love living in Philadelphia because of its cozy lack of natural disasters by sky, sea or land.But now here’s Mayor Nutter, telling Philadelphians to prepare for the hurricane today, while Maryland, New York, Delaware and Pennsylvania declare a state of emergency and plan to suspend all transit by air, rail and bus.

    Wha ?

    I’ve been trolling the weather service website every few hours all day, because bad storms scare me.В  Tornados roar in my nightmares.

    My closest brush with dangerous weather was in the early nineties, when I was a kid camping with my family and some close friends on a small island off the gulf coast of southern Florida.It was March, but suddenly a tropical storm was headed right for us.

    The memory is bleary because it all happened in the middle of the night.Fellow campers with a radio in their palatial RV got word of imminent 90-mile-per hour winds and grew concerned about the families in tents next door.They called through our thin, dewy walls to wake us up.

    My parents and their friends, who had a baby as well as two young boys, sprang into action.At ten and eight years old, my brother and I weren’t much help.I remember standing on the campsite while my parents shoved tents, bags, food and equipment into the back of the truck in a damp, horrific jumble.I looked up at the clouds and felt the humid, fitful breeze rise while raindrops spattered my face like the juicy spritz of a bitten fruit.Just as everything was loaded and we threw ourselves into the car, the skies opened.

    We just made it off the island before the causeway was closed.Once on the mainland, our parents began searching for a safe place to spend the night.They pulled into every hotel and dove into the pounding rain to check for vacancies, but all the rooms in all the hotels were booked.

    It was a surreal night.Peering out the car windows, there was nothing but blackness and the roar of the storm, except for when the lightning silhouetted the thrashing, tortured palm trees against a purple sky.A roadside transformer exploded in a glorious flash as we drove by.Finally, our parents realized our search was hopeless and pulled into a Cracker Barrel parking lot, where we spent the night in the cars while the storm raged northward.

    In the morning, swollen gullies surrounded the lot but the air was fresh.We picked our way through the puddles to the restaurant, where we had large breakfasts and, to the tune of the Addams family theme, called ourselves «the disheveled fam-i-ly».

    The wh*le thing cemented my notion that staying in tents made one infinitely vulnerable and foolhardy.I’ve never gone camping as an adult, though the sound of a long, rackety zipper still takes me right back to those damp, restless nights of listening to the raccoons infiltrate the dining tent.В When I reflect now on the tropical storm/Cracker Barrel episode, I shudder to think what could have happened had our neighbors not been on the lookout for our young families.

    We were at the mercy of the storm, and that’s the wh*le problem with storms.There’s no controlling them.В  Several days ago, I listened to a forecaster predict that Hurricane Irene might make landfall in Florida, the Carolinas, or the Chesapeake Bay or veer off into the Atlantic.This told us nothing, but we instinctively catalogued and illustrated each possibility as if that could somehow rein Irene in.Now she’s churning uninvited up the coast and we can’t do a damn thing about it.

    Every time I am anxious about something beyond my control, I clean the house, as if this will help to solve any of my worries.

    So tonight I tidied the living room, did the dishes, scrubbed the counters, wiped the walls, took out the trash and washed the dish-rack.I was contemplating the shower-curtain when I forced myself to stop.

    Then I threw myself onto the couch with a notebook and pen.

    It was time to get out the big guns.It was time to make a list.

    I can face Irene with a list.I will be ready with the list:

    Get the PECO numbers handy.
    Check the flashlights and find the batteries.
    Lay out candles.
    Charge the cell phone.
    Store some water.

    I wrote it all down and more.Then I did everything on the list, happily checking things off as I went.

    Take that, Irene.

    As if in reply, a plump little squall of rain soaked the parking lot.She’s coming, and somehow she’s just as fat and hoary as she was before I scrubbed the kitchen and made a list.

    Sorry about my asteroid lies.But at this point, east coast dwellers, I feel as if anything’s possible.

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    [xeefun] L'Ermitage Beverly Hills Hotel Los Angeles California

    Understanding The Symptoms Of Maternity

    Understanding The Symptoms Of Maternity

    Article by Russela Webster

    Having a baby is the most great gift a girl can have particularly if it’s your initial time.The pleasure of getting an infant overcomes all fears of giving start.But how do you know that you are with child?Learn the indicators of your entire body for it will certainly inform you if you are with child or not.What are the pregnancy indicators, How to know if you’re expecting a baby?Below are some of the many indicators that a girl is expecting a baby.Missed Menstrual Period: This is generally the first and greatest signal that

    Read More on Fregnancy .

    Malice intensifies the pain

    30 people in India died of alcohol poisoning

    30 people in India died of alcohol poisoning

    At least 30 people died in the last day in the southern Indian state of Karnataka, poisoned by fake alcohol.According to information received, most of the victims were registered in the town of Kolar.There are lists of the dead including 14 residents of two villages, including three women.About ten people are at several local hospitals in serious condition.According to eyewitnesses, an alcoholic beverage was brought before the unknown persons and sold at low prices.In some places, disturbed the tragedy of people staged spontaneous demonstrations, blocking the roadway and throwing stones at the wine shop.Particular strain have made and rumors that the liquor was distributed by representatives of the political parties vying for votes in place in Karnataka in the three stages of elections in the state legislature.

    K and the days of summer


    JACKSON HOLE SHOULD POINT TO THE BIG BLACK HOLE! Do not expect many things from the Jackson Hole junket!All financial
    junketeers, all money czars, including Managing Director Christine Lagarde and
    First Deputy Managing Director John Lipsky of IMF will attend this weekend's
    Jackson Hole Junket hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.Lagarde
    will be on a panel on Saturday approximately midday or early afternoon
    Washington time with President Trichet of ECB.All financial problems originate in the big black h*le.Taxation is armed
    robbery that feeds the black h*le of political corruption; it's the perfect
    index of corruption and tyranny.Only evil governments tax citizens and
    companies. Jackson h*le should point to the big black h*le!

    Kleptocrats are often taking very expensive junkets, taking advantage of their
    positions and access to public funds to undertake pleasure trips thinly
    disguised as being of political importance.For example, a keptocrat might
    travel to Greece, claiming to attend a conference there, but leaving plenty of
    days to explore the Greek islands and Greek delights at leisure.they cannot miss a good party at taxpayers' expense.The worst thing that could
    happen in a junket is running out of caviar and hookers.Many junketeers use
    military jets that cost 10,000 euros per hour!Deputies of the European
    Parliament (EP), aka Eldorado of Prostitutes, love junkets!

    David Hawley of IMF reports the Fund is monitoring developments in Libya and
    hope of course that there will be a swift end to the civil conflict.The nature
    of IMF engagement going forward will depend on the wishes of any internationally
    recognized government in the country.

    Hawley points out that in the case of Libya as in other similar cases, the
    Fund's process of recognition of a new government is guided by, in other words,
    it follows, the views of the international community.Events are still unfolding
    and IMF is following them.When there is a clear, broad-based international
    recognition of a new government in Libya, it's at that point that the Fund could
    or would move toward recognition.

    Governments of many repressed countries, such as Greece, use marilizardist tools
    to manipulate netizens.Marilizard Libel is accusing dissident bloggers of
    treason, Marilizard Spaghetti is hurling charges against innocent people,
    Marilizard Tower is a stack of imaginary charges to scare a blogger, and
    marilizardism is terrorizing dissident bloggers.October 18 is the
    international day against marilizardism, and October-18 Mafia is the
    marilizardist government of Greece.Marilizard Libel, Marilizard Spaghetti, and Marilizard Towers. October-18 Mafia
    is the most disgusting predator of internet on Earth!Civil society was shocked
    by the brutality and stupidity of October-18 fiasco, initiated by the Ministry
    of Foreign Affairs of the government of Greece. That's why October-18 Mafia is
    the new name of the government of Greece!Hawley notes the fifth review mission is currently in Athens.It's expected to
    conclude its work around September 5, and a*suming agreements are in place, the
    IMF Executive Board could be in a position to consider approval of the next
    disbursement toward the end of September.

    Fuehrer Merkozy cannot understand that October-18 Mafia is the real enemy of the
    Greek people.October-18 Mafia hoodwinks it will go straight, but nobody
    believes it anymore!October-18 Mafia did not keep its promise to abolish
    sinecures, government ownership, kleptocracy, Kangaroo Justice, marilizardism,
    Marilizard Libel, Marilizard Spaghetti, and Marilizard Towers.

    Lagarde has made it absolutely clear she does not trust Graecokleptocrats,
    because they never apply what they vote in the Grand Brothel on Syntagma Square!
    That's why she sent her inspectors to Athens to see things are done as promised
    and voted.

    Hawley confirms it is not set in stone what the share of a Fund-European
    distribution of financial support is for Greece.As you know, in the past it has
    been approximately two-to-one.The bailout for the Cradle of Kleptocracy is
    taxpayers' hard-earned money blown out with the wind, because the October-18
    Mafia continues corruption, squander, marilizardism, incivility, stupidity,
    charge stacking, and junketing.Square is the most freakish thing on Earth.Even though Graecokleptocrats
    looted many billion euros in kickbacks and churning, not a single
    Graecokleptocrat has ever gone to jail!They are protected by the parliamentary
    immunity, and nobody can touch them, no matter what.Moreover, they have the
    nerve to jail dissident bloggers.It's a long way from the 300 Spartans of
    Leonidas!Allons enfants de la Grece!Hawley mentions IMF hasn't had a request for a new Greek program.The two-part
    agreement between Greece and Finland is bewildering IMF.IMF understands this
    discussion is continuing among Euro Area member states on the appropriateness
    and technical feasibility of such arrangements, but at this time IMF doesn't
    have a specific comment on that discussion.

    There is no way any prudent investor will throw a euro in the Cradle of
    Kleptocracy, which is infested with marilizardism, the October-18 Mafia, charge
    stacking, and the cancer of socialism.Infamous October-18 mafia uses the
    cybercops as a political tool.Cyber Crime Unit (CCU), Dioxi Ilektronikou
    Egklimatos, is just a paramilitary gang of October-18 mafia which terrorizes the
    Greek blogosphere.Putting the CCU wolf to guard the sheep gives the government
    a comparative advantage over the opposition.This is another form of a Trojan

    Some emerging market countries have expressed concern about the Fund getting
    involved in another major bailout for Greece.Some Graecokleptocrats wonder
    whether that sentiment is going to affect anything that the Fund does on Greece.
    But Hawley a*serts the Fund is very adequately financed at the current time, and
    the decision to support a member country is a function of that member country's
    needs and financing requirements.

    Hawley points out that like any former Managing Director of the IMF,
    Strauss-Kahn would be welcome to visit the Fund and Hawley understands that
    Strauss-Kahn intends to make a personal visit to headquarters.

    Hawley notes IMF has welcomed the decision to increase the effective size of the
    EFSF, and in the same spirit, IMF expects that the size of this fund would be
    adjusted should that need arise.Fuehrer Merkozy knows that only stupid
    investors would squander their money in a country addicted to kleptocracy,
    socialism, charge stacking, and marilizardism.

    Banks cannot participate voluntarily in illegal acts, such as fiduciary
    imprudency. Bank directors are committed to bank's welfare, and not the public
    interest. If bankers waive outstanding debts at the expense of the bank, this is
    a breach of trust and punishable by law.All those bankers, that IIF claims plan
    to participate in rollovers, might go to jail for violating the fiduciary duty
    of prudency!October-18 Mafia pressures the banks to participate, but it really
    opens Pandora's box.

    Hawley states that IMF would welcome eurobonds!Hawley notes there is specific
    language in the Euro Area Article IV report which says the European stability
    mechanism could evolve into a European Debt Management Agency if the political
    will were mustered for limited fiscal integration.That included common bonds
    backed by enhanced Euro Area fiscal capacity.Hawley a*serts that's making the
    point generally that to function well, any common currency area needs some form
    of fiscal integration and that means that common bonds such as euro bonds is one
    such option in that effort.

    The European project has lost significance among Germany's policy elite as the
    central driver of foreign economic policy.No clear grand strategy has replaced
    this Einbindungspolitik, German foreign policy tenet of engagement.Given the
    heavily-fragmented nature of checks and balances in German politics, the
    political elite seems to be buffeted by a cycling of priorities from regional
    elections to Chancellory infighting.The end result has been a series of policy
    reversals and costly delay.

    Merkel reinforces her opposition to joint Eurobonds, declaring that a
    communistic collectivization of debt would leave the bloc's members worse off.
    This is communism, pure and simple!Germany, Europe's largest economy, would
    face extra costs of a hundred billion euros a year through the alignment of
    interest rates with nations that pay more to borrow.Eurobonds lead us to a debt
    union, not to a stability union.
    Corey Taylor takes over Q101.1!

    Get set for the bank holiday with our essential DIY guide!

    Get set for the bank holiday with our essential DIY guide! Dear Make the most of the long weekend by getting stuck into those niggling jobs.Check out our bank holiday DIY hub for a list of projects for every time frame, browse our craft guides and don't miss our handy decorating videos.Plus, if you haven't already, head on over to our brand new 'makeovers' section for inspiring transformations that'll have you reaching for the tool box! Major Break Via in Skin color Cancer Medication - The length of time Until it Gets to Market?