
5 Ways to Reduce Stretch Marks

5 Ways to Reduce Stretch Marks

Stretch marks can show up anywhere on the body where the skin has expanded too quickly.Common areas include the stomach, buttocks, breasts, thighs and hips.Even though stretch marks are common, they can still be upsetting to your self-esteem, especially if you plan on lying on the beach in a swimsuit anytime soon.There are ways to help your stretch marks, however, to reduce their appearance at the very least and hopefully remove them completely.
Step 1
Begin treatment early.Once you notice stretch marks developing on your skin, take action.Make an appointment with your dermatologist to get a treatment recommendation.The sooner you start treatment, the more likely you will be able to eliminate them.It's important to note, however, that though pregnant women are often the victims of stretch marks, many creams and treatments cannot be performed until after you've given birth.
Step 2
Moisturize daily.After showering, use a rich emollient cream to moisturize and hydrate your skin.This will lock in the moisture your skin obtained from the shower, leaving it plump and supple.This makes stretch marks less noticeable and more receptive to scar creams and other removal methods.
Step 3
Protect your skin and stretch marks with sunscreen.Use a formula that has at least SPF 15 and apply it before going outside.Sun exposure can make stretch marks appear darker, so protecting them will help them fade faster.
Step 4
Apply a topical retinoid like tretinoin or Retin-A to your stretch marks.If they are new and just developed with the past six weeks, this treatment should reduce redness and stimulate collagen production.This will fill in the scar and allow it to heal for the most part.Use the cream once a day or as directed by your dermatologist.
Step 5
Buy a microdermabrasion kit and use it on your stretch marks.According to, microdermabrasion can help remove older stretch marks, especially those that have turned white or silvery over time.After applying the crystals to your skin, run the wand over the area to slough off the top layer of skin.With consistent use over the span of several weeks, your stretch marks should be less prominent.

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