Prior to starting HCV antiviral therapy people with hepatitis C may be predisposed to developing thyroid abnormalities because of an increased rate of thyroid autoantibodies found in individuals infected with the virus.
Side effect; Thyroid dysfunction
Because interferon "peginterferon" can sometimes result in thyroid dysfunction during therapy;
Thyroid function tests should be obtained at baseline and every 12 weeks during antiviral treatment, and after treatment completion. The side effect of interferon may directly affect the thyroid gland and cause the gland to become overactive or underactive.The symptoms of thyroid dysfunction are loss of appetite, weight gain or loss, fatigue, digestion problems, and concentration, among other important functions.
In a study published May 24, 2011 in BMC Endocrine Disorders researchers wanted to determine if autoimmune thyroid disease (TD) during treatment improved the chance of achieving sustained virologic response.
The aim of the study was to a*sess the chance of achieving sustained virologic response (SVR) in patients who developed autoimmune thyroid disease TD during treatment when compared with those who did not.You can view the full data
The below July 2011 abstract found that in patients who develop hypothyroidism "underactive, low thyroid" because of HCV infection or during treatment had a 3.83 more chance of not reaching SVR.
Source: Endocr Regul
Central hypothyroidism in patients with chronic hepatitis C and relation with interferon-alpha treatment
Zantut-Wittmann DE, Pavan MH, Pavin EJ, Goncales FL; Endocrine Regulations 45 (3), 157-61 (Jul 2011)
Since some authors referred to panhypopituitarism or central hypothyroidism during the treatment of chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection using interferon-О