Did I pull my shin muscle? What should I do to help it heal?10 Jul 2011 10:44 PM PDTThree days ago, I had nasty, ga*sy burps taste like that I going to puke.I also threw up that night.For the next two days I had bad diarrhea.Now today I am having the same nasty, ga*sy tasting burps.What’s going on with my stomach?10 Jul 2011 10:44 PM PDTHey guys, I was planning on getting my hair cut this weekend with my local hair stylist.I’m actually trying a different person.And I’m only 12, And i think i have Seborrheic Dermatitis.Its kinda raised, And its red.There’s also little tiny patches of red and dryness.It rarely flakes, But you can see it in the light.And its right on my hair line And i have dandruff on my hairline too.I was wondering if they would say anything, Or if i should just save myself from embara*sment and not even go.Help?10 Jul 2011 10:44 PM PDTIts like 100 degrees and i have to walk to cla*s and it takes me 20 minutes.I have been getting shortness of breath and chest pains when walking, and I went to the health clinic at my college and they believe its my asthma.I have had asthma since I was little, but I hardly have in problems anymore.
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